“The Importance of Good Sportsmanship”
The importance of sportsmanship
has always been to keep games clean and respectful. The rude manners of the
players who do wrong have always put a bad name on the sport. Various things
have been done to show poor sportsmanship
The usage of vulgar language
Displays of racism
Taunts to opposing teams to
mock the dead
Rival games have
always been aggravated games by players determined to win but forget about the
good in sportsmanship. To keep peace
within big nerve racking games refs always try to keep the players calm. Sportsmanship is easy to display and a
friendly thing to show off. Very often do players get away with fouls and poor sportsmanship but that does not make
them better. The fulfillment of being a honest respectful person/player is
always very satisfying. The
best people all have one thing in common and that good sportsmanship.