
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and (to make) unopoular that which is unsound and (not so good)."
Joseph Smith

The quote is trying to emphasize that as people in a modern- day society, it is our job to influence the goodness and good deeds. We should create an environment that is PROductive and not deCONstructed. As people Smith is stating that in his belief we need to make the wrong choices unpopular.

Successful Students 9

Successful Students

9… don’t cram for exams. Successful students know that divided periods of study are more effective than cram sessions, and they practice it.

                If there is one thing that study skills specialists agree on, it is that distributed study is better than massed, late night, last-ditch efforts known as cramming. You’ll learn better, remember more, and earn a higher grade by studying for one hour a night, sessions for Friday’s exam. Short concentrated preparatory efforts are more efficient and rewarding than wasteful, inattentive, last moment marathons. Yet, so many students fail to learn this lesson and end up repeating it over and over until it becomes a wasteful habit. Not too clever, huh?

 When you cram, you can take a short cut, and shortcuts never produce any real worthwhile results. Also, when you take shortcuts, you feel rotten for not knowing that you could have done better but didn’t Short cuts cut you short. You don’t plant a watermelon seeds and harvest fresh watermelons the next day. It takes time. Cramming for a test or project doesn’t help you academically, so why even do it? Plan ahead, prepare yourself. Give yourself plenty of day and weeks to prepare for upcoming accountability opportunities.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Right v.s Popularity

Student Success Statement
"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."
Howard Cosell

There will alwasys be a time in our lives when we will not make the most popular choices. And sometimes CHOOSING THE RIGHT may be the unpopular choice. There are reasons to choose wrong, maybe like peer pressure, curiosity, or even because of a motto YOLO. But these are all decisions that are influenced by a wrong power. As people we have to take initiative to do the right no matter what others say.

Successful Students 7-8

Successful Students 7-8

7… Understand that actions affect learning. Successful students know their personal behavior affects their learning and emotions which can affect learning.


                If you act a certain way that normally that produces particular feelings, you will begin to experience those feelings. Act like you’re bored, and you’ll become bored. Act like you’re disinterested and you’ll be disinterested. So the next time you have trouble concentrating in the classroom, “act” like an interested person: lean forward, place your feet flat on the floor, maintain eye contact with the professor, nod occasionally, take notes, and ask questions. Not only will you benefit directly fromyou actions, your classmates and professor may also gat more excited and enthusiastic.


8… talk about what they’re learning. Successful students get to know something well enough that they can put it into words. Talking about something, with friends or classmates, is not only good for checking whether or not you know something, it’s a proven learning tool. Transferring ideas into your own words provide the most direct path for learning path for knowledge from short-term to long term memory. You really don’t “know” material until you can put it into your own words. So, next time you study , don’t do it silently. Talk about notes, problems, readings, etc. with friends, recite to a chair, organize an oral study group, pretend your teaching your peers. “Talk-Learning” produces a whole host of memory traces that result in more learning.



Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Pleasure or Pain? - Graduation
 There are some acpects of graduation that some would not like to encounter. With graduation there are fees that you must pay just to graduate. Expenses change based on how you want your graduation. You have the option to buy year books, go on school outings, have a luncheon, pay for the formal wear, the list continues. It is also a stress since you have a different mindset of what is to come. The school system, if you choose to go to college, is up to you. Students need to have a self motivation for themselves and prepare to expand their minds in the world and experience new things.
 On the flip-side the benefits to graduating, are the realizations of having completed 12 years of school. Satisfaction always follows an accomplished worker.

Successful Students 5-6

Successful Students 5-6

5. Don’t sit in the back of the room. Successful students minimize classroom distractions that interfere with learning. Students want the best seat available for their entertainment dollars, but willingly seek the worst seat for their educational dollars. Students who sit in the back cannot possibly be their professor’s teammate (see no. 4). Why do they expose themselves to the temptations of inactive classroom experiences and distractions of all the people between them and their instructor? Of course, we know they close the back of the classroom because they seek invisibility or anonymity, both of which are antithetical to efficient and effective learning. If you are trying not to be part of the class, why, then, are you wasting your time? Push your hot buttons, is there something else you should be doing with your time?

6 . . . take good notes. Successful students take notes that are understandable and organized, and review them often.

Why put something into your notes you don’t understand? Ask the questions now that are necessary to make your notes meaningful at some later time. A short review of your notes while the material is still fresh on your mind helps your learn more. The more you learn then, the less you’ll have to learn later and less time it will take because you won’t have to include some decipliering time, also. The whole purpose of taking notes is to use them, and use them often. The more you use them, the more they improve.




Monday, January 28, 2013


Student Success Statement
"" The time is always right to do what is right"
Martin Luther King, Jr

This quote is referring to the good deeds that should always be on the front of everyone's mind. When we are constanltly in the right mind-set, no time should be dedicated to choose the wrong. Or if you do something wrong by accident, then there will always be time to correct yourself, in the future. There will always be time to make the right decision. Choosing the right may take longer than other decisions such as when you are in college. There is a time for everything..

Successsful Students 3-4

Successful Students 3-4

3. …ask questions. Successful students ask questions to provide the quickest route between ignorance and knowledge. In addition to securing knowledge you seek, asking questions has at least two other extremly important benefits. The process helps you pay attention to your professor and helps your professor pay attention to you! Think about it. If you want something, go after it. Get answers now, or fail a question later. There are no foolish questions, only foolish silence. It’s your choice.

4...learn that a student and a professor make a team. Most instructors want exactly what you want: they would like for you to learn the material in their respective classes and earn a good grade.

 Successful students reflect well on their efforts of any teacher; if you have learned your material, the instructor takes some justifiable pride in teaching. Join forces with your instructor, they are not an enemy, you share the same interests, the same goals in short, your teammates. Get to know your professor. You’re the most valuable players on the same team. Your jobs are to work together for mutual success. Neither wishes to chalk up losing a season. Be a team player!




Friday, January 25, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"I know only what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after."
Ernest Hemmingway
   As people we can tell what is right through out gut feeling. When you do the right you feel good afterward and free from any guilt or shame. When you do something bad, and you know it then you gave that gut wrenching feeling. That feeling is what you would call guilt.

Successful Students 1-2

Successful Students 1-2


Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful students…


1. …are responsible and active. Successful students get involved in their studies, accept responsibility for their own education, and are active participants in it! Responsibility means control. It’s the difference between leading and being led. Your own efforts control your grade, you earn the glory or deserve the blame, you make the choice. Active classroom participation improves grades without increasing study time. You can sit there, act bored, daydream, or sleep. Or, you can actively listen, think, question, and take notes like someone in charge of their learning experience. Either option costs one class period. However, the former method will require a large degree additional work outside of class to achieve the same degree of learning the latter provides at one sitting. The choice is yours.

2. … have educational goals. Successful students have legitimate goals and are motivated by what they represent in terms of career aspirations and life’s desire.

Ask yourself these questions: What am I doing here? Why have I chosen to be sitting here now? Is there some better place I could be? What does my presence here mean to me? Answers to these questions represent your “Hot buttons” and are, without a doubt, the most important factors in your success as a college student. If your educational goals are truly yours, not someone else’s, they would motivate a vital and positive academic attitude. If you are familiar with what these hot buttons represent and refer to them often, especially when you tire of being a student, nothing can stop you; if you aren’t and don’t, everything can and will!


                         CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
 "My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure."
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

When there is no essence of mal-intentions, you become a stronger person. This is not referring to the physicality of the human anatomy, but of emotional aspects.

Study for Multiple Exams part 3

Study for Multiple Exams Part 3

 English, Math, Foreign Language tips: PRACTICE—especially foreign language. It is hard to succeed in a foreign language class if you are just showing and doing work. But if you are in your room and look at objects and try to say them in a language you are learning it actually helps. Or send a simple text to a friend; think about it, you can translate that to German or Spanish? These are little things that will help. Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades in college: Time management and organization are critical key factors to success in college. And never be afraid to go ask your teacher for help. They have office hours for a reason-use them!!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Walking Horse

There is a competition for Tennessee Walking Horses that are very popular among the community. Trainers are to train their horses to lift their legs majestically and promptly. Yet there was corruption within the training of these horses. One trainer whose reputation preceded him, Jackie McConnell, was a trainer who abused horses and tourtued them into training well. Acids and chemicals were put onto the horses' legs to induce a burning, that when agrivated caused the animals to react. This type of abuse is horrifying and monstrous. Love and justice should be shown to all living things.
Cheating is a shameful act that has great consequences. Many other trainers, when their horses were submitted to drug testing found that 52 out of 52 had chemicals on their legs. The cheating, the dishonesty,the lies are what ruin true and honest competition for anyone.

Study for Multiple Exams

Study for Multiple Exams


My strategies for written assignments: Everyone has their own writing styles. I generally come up with an idea and massive amounts research before I even think about writing. I then organize my research then sometimes prepare an outline before actually writing. I always print out the paper and come back to it the next day and reread it. That is the easiest way for me to catch my mistakes. I give my eyes a break from it, and if I just wrote it I think it looks perfect. But if I look at it a day later I almost always find grammatical errors or phrases and sentences I just want to reword.

How I succeed in team projects: Never assume someone is doing what they are supposed to doing. Have regular meetings and have each member show their work, not just give you or the group their word for it.

                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Seek to do good and you will find that happiness will run after you."
James Freeman Clarke

When you choose to do good there, once again, can only come goodness. When someone shares snacks with you out of the goodness of their heart, you are bound to want to return the favor. The same goes to you when you are hostipitable to others. The kindness you show others will reflect back to you. So do good and have the will to do the right. You will see the happiness in your life grow.

Success Story

Sarah’s Academic Achievement

My test study method: I have different strategies for different types of tests or subjects. For me any type of math is exceptionally difficult so I had to spend extra time on that. I would go back through the homework problems focusing on the problems focusing on the problems that I had extra difficulty on. Many times I would ask the teacher for any additional study materials they could provide. If it was a class that required memorization or applying concepts I would create a sort of study guide for myself many times focusing on what were key focal points in the class. If I knew there were going to be essays I would try to take the terms and apply them to an example or create different questions on the concepts focused on throughout the semester. My time management secret: I always, always carry a planner with me. I even use my different color highlighters to show what each event on my calendar is for. For example, pink is personal, yellow is school, orange is work, blue is for appointments, and green is for my sorority. Although I use white-out frequently, I can see in bright yellow that if I have that project for finance due on Tuesday, I need to start working on it the previous day (Wednesday) so I can just get things accomplished but that is really all I do.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jermaine American Idol

There are some things in life that some people will not allow us to escape. Sometimes our past can be so horrible that it gives us an unwanted name for ourselves. Regretably this happened to a potential star of the American Idol show. There was information that was with held from the documents to participate and Jermaine was disqualified for trying to hid his past.
I can understand from a certain point iof view that nobody wants people to know about a regretable past. It was something shameful that has happened in their life and wants to forget. But he was in the wrong by lying on documents. Although you may be a new person people today want to know your past and upbringing. Sadly i do not think this was just for them to disqualify him. I think it was just the media trying to prevent someone from winning and to cause drama in the news. Everyone has done something in theor past that is shameful, and I disagree with people bringing up an unwanted past.

Academic Success

Sarah’s Academic Success Story

Part 1

Time management became a key factor in my study skills for college. In high school, there were many times I was able to study for an hour or two the night before a test and get away with it. This was not the case in college. I made sure that meant writing out the terms for the chapter we read (Even when it isn’t required) to better understand them. That way when the midterm or test comes around I was able to understand what I was studying. I started talking excellent notes in class in college. I may have done this in high school, but in college I started typing up the notes after class. This helped me remember what I just went over in class then when I had a test one week later I was more likely to remember then as well.

My overall study method: Structured. One thing I learned was I had to adapt or change my study methods according to the class. I couldn’t study for a Religion Class the same way I studied for each class—even if it meant carrying a planner with me at all times was a big part of my success.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


+ Addition
- Subtraction
/ Division
^ Power or Exponent
 All of these skills are necessary and speed up the Operations when typed into the function bar.
When you use the (+) sign it adds the numbers that were in the cell.

No set path

Student Success Statement
"There is no set path, just follow your heart."

 The general idea of the quote is to insinuate that similarly your heart fluctuates with emotion, your life will fluctuate with experiances. There are so many things in this world that will expose you to new and different experiences. Your heart leads you, into the world based off your own experiences, you can follow your heart into sadness, or greatness. We must decide what is good for us based on our upbringing and morals. There can be no set path unless you know what you want in life.

Work Together 3

Work Together Part 3

 Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades in college: a big thing that many will say is to ask for help if you needed it. It is not a bad thing to not understand, it’s a bad thing if you don’t do anything about it. Plan your time out so that you complete everything that needs to be done and leave some time to double check. Write things down and have a good time management skills. To ask for help is probably the biggest thing I can say though. If you don’t understand something, go to office hours or find a classmate that does not understand and is willing to help you. If you try hard, it will come to you. I find myself thinking that I would have to try harder to fail than I try to succeed. It is something that is within me to succeed. If that is not who you are, then hopefully things that I have done can show you that success is something that is amazing to find! Good Luck!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Work Together 2


English, Math, foreign language tips: For math, all I can say is do the problems assigned. It is the only way to practice and that’s really all it is for math. It’s the same for chemistry; if you do the practice problems you will understand the material so much better because those subjects are not memorization like history, you need to be able to apply what you have learned in practical situations. As for English , I am no longer talking about it, but I would say to leave yourself plenty of time to write essays and papers. They take time to get all the information out of your head and onto the page, so don’t leave them until the last second.



Monday, January 14, 2013

Work Together

Work Together Part 1

I can and I will work as part of the team as long as everyone in the team is willing to do his work. I don’t like having to pick up the slack, but I will if I know that my grade will be harmed otherwise. My greatest academic success was in my first semester when I had to write a 10-12 page paragraph research paper. It was the longest paper I had ever been assigned and I was a little scared. Also, it was the first paper where they were like, here you go, just write about something. I had to argue in favor of or against something, but it could be anything from the sky is blue to hypnotism. I wrote mine on hypnotism. I worked on this paper for weeks and weeks. Every night I would be doing research writing. I put so much effort into this paper. It ended up being just fewer than 12 pages but it was full on information. I turned it in and when I got it back a week or so later, I had received the first A+ of my college career. All my hard work paid off because I got the grade I deserved. I was really happy and proud of myself.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tiger Woods

I think that everyone in life, make mistakes. Since Tiger Woods was negligent to assist his half borther, I would assume that they hold a history unknown to the media. I understand how the media can portray and manipulate many facts, but even if that is true, Woods should still be hostpitable to his brother. Family is important to have around you, whether you like it or not, your family makes you who you are today. They can benefit you, and take away from you. Woods should have assisted his brother becaause even if their past is sour you need to forgive and forget. Holding grudges should not be a characteristic in our lifetime.

Succeed Everyday Part 1

You Can Succeed Every Day Part 1

My overall study methods: I break up studying over several days and over the course of the evening and day. Cramming never works for me so I try not to do it. I will have longer sessions on nights before big test, but I never stay up much later than normal before a test .I knows that if I take the test the next day I will not do as well as if I was rested.

How I’ve overcome an initial bad grade; I usually look over the test or paper to see what I did that the teacher do not want. Basically, I do not stress out about grades that much because for me they are not worth getting really upset about. I do well because I know that I know the material. However, if I do get bad grade, or one lower than I expected, I make sure that the next time a test is coming I study even more so that I won’t be surprised by the questions.



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Student Success Statment

Student Success Statement

“I shall pass through this life but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall never pass this way again.”

---Etienne de Grellet

I believe that this quote is very self-evident. We only have one life on this Earth and as we live through our journey here, we should not waste any moment of kindness. We can never live the same moment twice for every time it is a new and profound experience. So, when it states,”…Any kindness I can show, let me do it now”, there should be no wasted moment of your life to help or make someone else’s day better. (This may be in reference to the POP Culture acronym “YOLO” You Only Live Once.)

Effective Study Methods

Effective Study Methods- Part 3

 How I deal with multiple projects/tests: When I have more than one test or project, I break up my studying. I will study for one test for 30 min or so then switch to the other one. If there is some part of a project that I know I will not take me a very long time, I will do it when I don’t have much time. If I am really in a crunch for time on a specific day, I will study for one test in the morning and the other in the afternoon or at night. By breaking up the studying into different session do not work for me. I need to study something for a shorter period of time more often for it to sink in.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Winter Break

              During my very productive winter break, I have done several new things. The first week of winter break I had started my AP U.S. History homework. My homework involved taking notes on 5 chapters in the textbook which contained 72 individual sections. Meanwhile, in the morning, I had conducted practices with my co-captain. From 9 am to 11:30am we ran and conditioned before the christmas holiday. In this first week, i had also began to read my book for AP English Composition. The book we were assigned was The Grapes of Wrath, which is essantially about the Oklahoma Dust Bowl of the 1930's.
               In my second week of winter vacation, I rested and took my official break. Since Christmas and New Years were right around the corner from one another, my captain and I canceled practice for the whole week trusting the girls to assume responsibility and condition on their own. I spent a large amount of time with my family. On Christmas Eve I went to my uncle's home in Santa Fe Springs, where my mom's brother lives, and ate tamales and exchanged gifts. Christmas Day I was with my dad's side of the family, my aunt's home in West Covina, where we ate roast and gave our presents to one another. Afterward, post Christmas I started my routine once again and finished my work.
               My last week of vacation, I was preparing for a soccer tournament in Van Nuys.

My Effective Study Methods

Effective Study Methods Part-1

My test study method: when it comes down to study for the test, I usually start 2-3 days before the test. I go through my notes and make flashcards on what was important for those sections, paying close attention to what the teacher said would be on the test of there was a review section. Also, I got through the book and read the inset stories and add to my flashcards. If there are practice problems to online assignments or old tests, I use those to help me study for the test as well. Once the test is over, I keep the flashcards so that I have them for the next test or the final test. Flashcards are a marvelous learning tool. The key components to remembering something is to repeat it numerous time-spaced rehearsal. If you forget something, it is because you haven’t repeated it enough times for an extended period of time. Repetition is a law of learning; therefore, to learn and remember, to recall, it is mandatory that you repeat over and over the things you desire to learn and remember. You may be thinking,” Oh, No, repeating something.” You need to get used to it. For example, the more you practice a song on the piano, the better you become at playing the song. Learning and remembering is like playing the piano- the more you practice saying or doing it the better you can remember it because you have repeated it numerous times since first being exposed to it. So, practice rehearsing those things you desire to remember, and they will stick with you.

Practice                                     Proficiency                                      Pleasure

 The better you remember, the more pleasure you obtain from studying and learning.