Student Success Statement
"So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the "in-group," we lose sight of things that are far moe important."
-Sean Covey
During adolescence, youths are in a time of self identification. Some find identity sooner than others and are srtong willed. Those still lost in the world need a sense of foundation and follow the strongest leader. In society the most popular person has the most influence. They have the most friends, are smart, knowledgeable and part-take in most social conventions. A lost person will cling to them or see this popular person as an example to model themselves. They will try to become popular, buy the same clothing, get a new style, talk differently, but an image is perishable.
Infatuation with one's image is perishable, now why would you want to invest in something that will not last? You could make better use of the time given to be productive, and creatce things that will last a life time. An image fades, but knowledge and wisdom last forever.
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