
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Extreme "Sportsmanship" Award

Jenna Huff
High School Student wins the Extreme "Sportsmanship" Award from the U.S. Olympic Committee

Jenna Huff was just Sophmore in High School when she won this award. Being a talented athlete and participating in 5 sports she was in season for cross-country. During this 3 mile race Debb and Jenna were competing to proceed into the state finals. Jenna trying to trail Debb was on her last sprint. Deb coincidentally popped out her hip plate. Jenna catching up to the injured Deb decided to assist her to finish the race Jenna explains "It was the right thing to do." Jenna helped the injured and leading player Deb across the finish line giving Deb's team the lead to state.

this type of sportsmanship is umcommon on the West Coast, but on the East Coast there are more acts of kindness. And this sportsmanship is amazing, because even if it was against the rules Jenna felt as though she was doing the right thing to help Deb across, even at the cost of her team and placing in the race. By a sacrifice of giving someone the gate to the final, she recieved something more in turn by being awarded the Extreme "Sportsmanship" Award from a far greater organization.

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